Wall Preparing for Silk Plaster

Surfaces with the gypsum boards

Gypsum boards are currently widely used in the construction of interior partitions. The sheets are fixed with the screws and joints are leveled with plaster mixtures.
Plastering places of only sheets joints is the most common mistake in for the liquid wallpaper application. Because it may result to manifestation of the joints places after Silk Plaster applied on the wall, especially if you use light color of Silk Plaster. That is why it is important to putty the whole wall, even though the gypsum boards are very flat, it is important to make sure that joint places are the same white color as the rest of the wall. Then don`t forget to coat the wall with white mat paint.
Places where rust may occur (bolts, screws, nails, tacks and etc.) should be covered point wise with oil-based paint to prevent rusting.

Walls in old buildings

Materials used in the construction of old houses, were rather poor quality. Often, it’s even uncertain from with materials these walls are composed. Such walls are very insidious because they can cause rust which will lead to yellow spots. To avoid the appearance of rust spots it is important to clean and prepare the surface carefully before proceed with the Silk Plaster application.

Plane surface with plaster/stucco and prime it in one layer of any water base primer, drying time between layers 3-4 hours. Plane the color with white mat paint.

In the absence of any water base primer then we recommend coating it first with any oil-based paint, white color. Then coat it with usual white mat paint for good adhesion.

It is possible to use other compounds available in the market but before applying liquid wallpaper on the wall it is recommended to test it first on the small surface of the wall.

Concrete, partially putty wall, plastered brick wall

Totally plane surface with plaster/stucco and prime it in one layer of any water base primer, drying time between layers 3-4 hours. Plane the color with white mat paint.

In the absence of the any water base primer use any waterproof primer or any waterproof mat paint. To choose the best primer option please consult with the seller in your country.

If the concrete wall is initially weak, badly peeling, flaking, use of any materials is initially complicated due to the fact that the adhesion is practically absent. Therefore first it is necessary to apply a standard restorative coating which is well represented by various manufacturers in the market of building materials.

Places with protruding metal parts

Refers to the details of steel reinforcement / armature, airways and etc. Such places have to be covered point wise with oil-based paint to prevent rusting.

The walls partially painted with bright colors (light on top and dark on bottom)

This technique had been often used before. It is important to prevent the manifestation of the color change (“waterline”) after drying of Silk Plaster. In this case, we recommend plaster/stucco the surface and prime it with the mixture of PVA adhesive and any water resistant mat paint for front walls (masonry paint) in proportion 1:3. Please, apply 2-3 layers of the primer till you get homogeneous white color on the wall.

Wood surfaces, plywood, MDF

Such materials are often used locally, in places of doorways, arches, entresols and etc.

Liquid wallpaper can be applied on the wood surfaces only after you make sure that they will not deform from the moisture, ie fixed properly. Moreover, it is worth considering that the thinner the sheet, the most likely its deformation.

To protect Silk Plaster from these surfaces before its applying, use one layer of any water base primer, followed by mat paint or any waterproof primer which is recommend by the seller.

In the absence of any water base primer or waterproof primer then we recommend coating it first with any oil-based paint, white color. Then coat it with usual white mat paint for good adhesion.